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Apostasy in the modern day church-Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary attack on CIA Ministry's position of eminence, prophecy, and the rebuttal letter from 20 years ago. Includes many of the end time signs we are to look for. A discussion and debate as current today as it was then!    (BOTH SIDES).


Popular Mechanics-From a recent front page article "When UFOs & aliens arrive what will you do?".
Dr. Richard J. Boylan, PH.D. well accredited behavioral, psychologist, anthropologist, ex-clergyman…Discusses "Star Children" (aka alien hybrids) among us NOW, in a fascinating interview on the Art Bell Show.


Signs-Mt 24:14; Preaching the Gospel-Billy Graham and now Mel Gibson's movie "The Passion". Article regarding the attacks upon his movie and upon Jesus Christ; Nashville preview of the movie; Jer 51:51-Strangers have come into the Lord's House; Ominous parallels from article on Nazi Germany and the US; 1/26/04 Bill in Congress HR2844.
Special election in extraordinary circumstances of vacancy in the House of Representatives exceeding 100 people.

Neanderthals not related to Homo-Sapiens according to new scientific conclusions!  R.F.I.D. The mark of the beast is on its way in earnest; National ID approved by Howard Dean; Pentagon to do trial run of C.T.S., Federal tracking of the general public rather than for war; US Patriot Act discussed and all prophesied by the Lord Jesus Christ; Last part of the letter Stewart wrote to the Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary regarding the 6000 year doctrine, Jewish Feast Days and proving eminence untrue.


Are the Middle Eastern countries fulfilling Revelation 17? End time prophecies coming to fruition; Daniel Chapter 2 Revelation 13, Aliens invasion, Genesis 6; Seven Jewish Feast days help us to understand the differences between the           Jewish and the Christian elect, as well as the possible timeline for the rapture; antichrist will mimic Christ's return; the bride of Christ and the wedding feast; We are not subject to God's wrath.         Continuation from side 1 - The true church; wheat vs. tares; Trumpets, Atonement & Tabernacles; Daniel 9-The 70th week 69th week concluded when Christ rode into Jerusalem on the donkey; Letter from listener-definition of "strong delusion".


The offence of the cross, the narrow way, and the unconditional Love of God; Understanding the Love of the Truth and focusing on the things of this world; Being politically correct-Satan/Devil are out, E.T./Aliens are now IN and acceptable.  Yellowstone quake not reported by USGS; article on FEMA's response plan to major emergencies, or the lack of a response plan. We will be on our own and must be prepared to take care of ourselves and our neighbors; Article on Pentagon's concern of climate changes happening abruptly; David Booth article on time to prepare and what the government's website says to do; connecting the dots.           
Earth changes articles-Newsweek 1975 on global warming with follow up commentary from 2003 on its current and future events; A.D.L. article against Mel Gibson's film-backed up as anti-Semitic by Billy Graham's organization; Day Star 2004 January article-media manipulation of war in Middle East (Lebanon, Syria & Iran) WMD, etc. (Isaiah 17) Why Damascus will become a ruinous heap.; Draft to be reinstated? World Net Daily article says March 2005 date is set; Watch the precursor events-we must be getting close, even if we still have no definite date.


Rebuttal by Jim Searcey that the strait gate is of works; What are the works of the law? The seven Jewish feast days are found in Leviticus, plus what the New Testament says about the New Covenant and its relationship to true salvation, Obedience to the Lord's commands is never considered works; John Loeffler fro Steel on Steel replays interview with Malachi Martin from Dec.1, 1990 with current commentary fourteen years later.   
John Loeffler interview with Malachi Martin continues-The Vatican and the New World Order; Very interesting discussion on what Pope John Paul II envisions for himself as related to him by a Divine Revelation from the Virgin Mary.


Genesis 6-Fallen angels & giants related to modern day alien abductions and excerpts from audio book by John E. Mack on the subject of human encounters and alien abductions in our times; short commentary by Stewart noting characteristics of aliens vs. demons and 2 Thessalonians warnings of the arrival; Letter from listener questioning the rapture debate and Stewart's beginning responses to the so-called "Yo-Yo Rapture" possibilities.

Stewart gives us a synopsis of "The Great Rapture Debate" series as a prelim to the "Yo-Yo Rapture Theory".


Debating the rapture; When, where, and how; Does the yo-yo theory have merit as a pre-tribulation rapture?

Understanding the reason for the translation of our bodies before we can enter heaven; Exploring what the Scriptures have to say in these regards.                                
Debate continues; Stewart's position on the rapture is pre-wrath; Oriental wedding customs related to the return covenant of Christ; Bema seat judgment takes time.           


Debating the rapture; When, where, and how; Post-tribulation rapture theology and the yo-yo debate; When does New Jerusalem arrive? Understanding the differences between God's two elects and His promises to them. Take not the seats of honor; Bema seat judgment, rebirth; The wiles of Satan and his distractions.       
Rapture debate-Is there a yo-yo effect? Parable of the ten virgins; The wheat and the tares.


Alien Abductions-Can they change our molecular structure? Their ability to pull humans through walls; Iraq-Article from Tehran re: US & British forces unloading WMD at night near Karbala-Similar to weapons in cargo ships from 1980-1990.      Planet X - An Investigation, CNN reports on Sedna-A new planet in our OUTER solar system named after a goddess. Mark Hazelwood, author of Blindsided at 2002 Global Wings Conference with James McCanney.                                                                                                                  
Discussion with James McCanney continues; Understanding the theory and connection to Christ's warning of signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars.      


1796 quote from George Washington regarding freedom and the US Constitution; Wisconsin  report on transferring US power to the UN through the Department of Peace; Dialectic Talk=Diaprax the original language of Satan.
Chuck Meissler tape on The Return of the Nephlim, Genesis 6, and the days of Noah from 1997 - Connecting the dots from the Book of Jude and 2 Peter; Same basic view from a different person.                                                                                                  


Art Bell Interview with investigative reporter Nick Cook (Janes Defense Weekly)  BOTH SIDES.                
High Technology in black ops; Tesla and zero point energy; a new era in physics, microwave technology-a possible explanation for crop circles; All helps us to better understand Bible prophecy as in 2 Thes 2:9 Lying signs and wonders.



Chuck Meissler tape on The Return of the Nephlim, Genesis 6, and the days of Noah from 1997 - Continued from BL 197.

Excerpts from Steve Quayle's book of the same subject on the giants and the end times; Chuck Meissler tape concludes.         


Planet X and a theory of it as a physical manifestation of the spiritual end time prophecies of the Bible, as well as a correlation to the prophecies of David Booth during an interview on & his book Evil Fire Made to Burn, Project Viper and Project Python, vortexes and portals in Antarctica; Mother Shipton-Planet X continues on side 2.      

Also includes interviews with Steve Quayle and Stan Deyo with George Nory.


Update articles on RFID next generation technology for highway use supposed to help save lives; Verichip incentives given pre registration to get chipped; Finger scans at Disney World for specialty passes; BBC report on RFID Credit Cards; Black Boxes for Human Beings - "Sea PodS" from NASA, continues on side 2.

Also includes finale of Steve Quayle & Stan Deyo interview from previous show.   


William Thomas-Investigative Reporter interviewed on Coast To Coast AM with George Nory on chem-trails, HAARP, and 911 conspiracy cover-ups by the shadow governments. Very enlightening - BOTH SIDES.                                  


Ancient prophecies from the Kolbrin regarding end times; Planet X and the perturbations of the heavens; Parable of the Ten Virgins explored through a study sent in by a listener.   

Exhorting the brethren along the way; What's wrong with the world today? Ten Virgins & The Bride of Christ continued.


Today's headlines related to Bible/other prophecy; The taking of America-Babylon, when will it be? Can we know the         time of the end? James McCanney interview with George Nory on Coast to Coast AM regarding comet NEAT and the other two comets expected in 2004.

James McCanney interview continued; also another interview on Coast to Coast that followed with prophecy student  Ken Parsons and George Nory discussing fallen angels, so called aliens Lucifer's prior kingdom and Satan's agenda for the future. Very interesting interview.


Coast to Coast AM Round table discussion with George Nory, Steve Quayle, Linda Molton Howe, Alex Jones and Jim Marrs on the topic of SECRET SOCIETIES. Very, very interesting program confirming many things by people in the know from decades of accumulated research by them all. A must have program!!  BOTH SIDES.


Excellent dissertation of encouragement to those on the narrow way; being an over comer against satanic influences and our own flesh; how we can tell the difference; Learning to control our thoughts and actions Article by Robert Howard called Wake Up America-Master Plan of the Illuminati; 9-11 Conspiracy and the numbers involved; also details the occult's obsession with numerology in everything they do.     


Zeph Daniel's radio interview with Stewart Best: Assorted topics discussed; Aussie Bloke postings appear to be a hoax although unclear why or who he really is; End time signs-how close are we? The plans of the Illuminati-Homeland Security parallel Nazi Germany, Global Police State will only be in control for a short time before the end; Why are all the ships out to sea? What brings us to WWIII-NWO, CFR, etc; Psalm 90 time code still very possible; Daniel's 70th week; the day of the Lord; the rapture; Persecution of the Christians; Psalm 2; Rebirth, God's Grace through Jesus Christ-conversion vs. regeneration; George Bush-Christian or Bonesman?; UFO alien nation to come-will 2004 be the year it all begins?; The
paradox of President Ronald Reagan; Excerpts from John White's book "Pole Shift" shows how the strong delusion will take hold through apostasy-Page 296 contradiction says he believes in God but the flood of Noah was a myth.


Short discourse on God's commands and how much stranger truth is than fiction; Is June the beginning of the end times? Numeric possibilities; Rumors going around say to expect some global event/war to occur in next 90 days; Coast to Coast AM discussion with George Nory, Steve Quayle, and Douglas Hagman on terrorism threats and targets in 2004 called non-specific by our government is not true; Quayle and Hagman claim oil refineries & power outages are specific targets, terrorist sleeper cells have been activated in US and are a fifth column operation; alternative energy now available; Nicolas Berg a possible CIA agent whose cover was blown-already dead when beheaded; Russian micro-biologist accidentally injects self with deadly virus-information not released immediately. How many does this make now?  Aussie Bloke postings may be correct, but the timing is off-Revelation 8 & 9 Judgments agree; Supernova cloud from 2 B.C. headed our way-Is it a physical parallel to the return of Jesus Christ? Art Bell interview with author Robert Felix on the topic of earth changes from his book "Not by Fire, But By Ice" and Art Bell's book/movie "The Day After Tomorrow" A most informative discussion on the how's & whys of global warming, the coming ice age, and the Yellowstone calderas. Both sides of this program are excellent and full of important information.


Marshall Masters interview with Wayne Green about Daniel Booth's vision of an incoming celestial body towards earth and what appears to be the eruption of the Yellowstone calderas; Confirmation coming from other psychics as well as scientific people like James McCanney and Larry Parks; Is someone trying to stop these people from telling the world what they believe is not only true but in the not too distant future? They discuss who that someone might be and the effect it seems to be having on talk radio as well as the Internet. Interview finishes on side 2 Bible prophecy about US coup found in the Book of Daniel and how the beast powers rise up in the Book of Revelation.      
Another very interesting interview by John Loeffler from 1995 with Dr. Irwin Lutzer author of "Hitler's Cross". The parallels of America today, Nazi Germany and the views by the church. Another program worth hearing!         


Exhorting the brethren along the way and in truth; Isaiah 49, 50 & 51 pertains to us as well as Jesus Christ because we are ambassadors of His ministry. An excellent uplifting sermon.
Politics and the end times; Excerpts from Davis L. Booth's book "Code Red"; Aussie Bloke not a hoax? International Space Station may have to be abandoned due to safety issues; Impacts-Reports from Canada and by alternative news of comets & meteors not reported by major media; Cosmic threats: articles & quotes from ancient text; Hale Bopp have hit earth or been a very near miss; Article: The day of the Lord is upon us; Signs are everywhere; Giant dust cloud is confirmed and on its way.           


The 9th of Av-A day of trouble; Article by Brother Ray Pringle from "The Word of Prophecy" gives a warning to America and the entire world. Excellent sermon we all need to hear!                                                                                                                 
Supreme court ruling on detainees an indication of things to come; Article from "The Cutting Edge", authority of a dictatorial America given along with Patriot Act I & II being passed. Articles: Mike Goodspeed "Doomsday, The Connection"; A downpour of meteors in June. Worldwide lightning strikes, earthquakes, and weird weather also in this past thirty days.  


Stan Johnson "The Prophecy Club" claimed in 2003 New Testament has no prophets who are 100% accurate because God wants His prophets to be false?? What is coming in from the southern direction of space? Could it be a diversion?   Isaiah Chapter 13; Cosmic events, Phoenix Rising, and the multitude of earth changes all parallel the Bible prophecies. It’s just a matter of when.    
O.T. prophets are all ignored today while occult prophecies are believed; Author Thomas O. Mills "The Truth" discusses the Hopi Indians and their beliefs of creation and prior worlds; The Great pyramids of Egypt; Mary's message to the world relates signs of the end times, earth changes, and a polar shift can all be found in Isaiah chapter 24; Various headlines show us we are indeed coming to the end of this age; FAA report warns airline pilots of cosmic radiation exposure.


Earth changes phase 1 & 2; Signs of the end-Author Paul LaViolette excerpts from "Earth Under Fire" spells a constellation message similar to Biblical prophets; Italy: Heat wave, thunder storms and hail blast the area; Solar flares acting up again, Venus at its maximum brightness and shows sign of Islam while sunspots increase: NY Times article: Earth's magnetic field started collapsing 150 years ago and discuss the problems the will ensue-concludes on side 2.                                                                                     
Understanding just what the Bible says will happen vs. scientists who claim it takes thousands of years for a magnetic pole shift to occur; Excerpts from "Cataclysm 9500 B.C.", "Earth Under Fire", and "The Kolbrin". Also David Frye on the book of Revelation judgments-their timing and their meaning. Absolutely fascinating deductions!

BL 214

End time prophecies: What is the Hopi Indian's Blue Star? A list of signs to look for before it arrives concurs with other prophecies and events that are occurring now: The great purification and the Hopi's theory of creation: Are the indigenous peoples of the world the other flock Jesus spoke of?

Yeti on Solomon's Islands? Are these the remnant of the giants from Genesis? Article from website says the giants still exist there today who have been/are mating with human women who are giving birth to half-breeds: local natives confirm this has been going on for centuries; Reuters article also says there are hidden bases there and many UFO sightings: This agrees totally with Scripture! As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be again. There were giants in those days and also after that.     


Earth Changes TV article on solar activity increasing again; Larry Taylor's report on secret Armenian letter prophecy from 1852: Copy of letter read by Stewart (also on website); Excerpts from Velikovsky's book "Worlds in Collision" helps explain what the Bible says of the end time cosmic events. Discussion on current events and what our position as Christians is supposed to be in the world as it comes to a close; Earth changes, Planet X and other catastrophes have occurred in the past and will come again just as the Bible says; Article states NASA found Planet X in Dec. 1983 and covered it up after releasing the info; Art Bell interview with Major Ed Dames, a remote viewer from the US military, who viewed UFOs, crop circles, and the sun: He states the sun's activity will bring a catastrophic "Kill Shot" to the earth soon.


Short excerpt from Paul LaViolette's book "Earth Under Fire";Art Bell interview with Major Ed Dames continued from last week with more details on what effects the "cosmic kill shot" from the sun will have on our weather, a magnetic pole shift, and ultimately a literal pole shift: Also remote views the coming events of war and what happens to stop it; SETI astronomer Seth Shostak and Ufologist/Nuclear Physicist Stanton Friedman debate on Coast to Coast AM Show as to the existence of UFOs. Sound track from "Earth Under Fire" video by Paul LaViolette whose research of ancient mythological catastrophes may not be myths at all and tends to confirm what Immanuel Velikovsky believed.  


Debate between Seth Shostak & Stanton Friedman continues from last week shows a perfect example from two different (but wrong) sides of the "Strong Delusion" God sends upon all those who dwell upon the earth.      
Review and discussion of last program and what we, as Christians, can expect; Excerpts from Herbert Lockyer's book           "All The Promises of The Bible".
The meaning of the word "Promise" and being able to rest in the Lord's Promises.    
Excerpts from the Hopi Indians "Beyond Prophecies and Predictions".


Importance of understanding the Truth of the REAL GOSPEL; George Nory interview with Benjamin Crème on the "New Age" view of life when "The Christ" returns as Maitreya.       
MJ 12 document excerpts of first "Top Secret" report speaks of mass military units, including their equipment, have been disappearing worldwide since the 1800s; Interview with Benjamin Crème continued - A "must have"  tape gives a perfect example of what the spirit of antichrist will bring and how the world will be deceived.  


Adobe software adds secret backdoor for government access to digital graphics software technology related to copying US currency for counterfeiting purposes; Connecting the dots of the "strong delusion" sent and allowed by God continues with interview of Steven Greer by Art Bell on the "Disclosure Project" update: Discussion includes alternate energy, pro-pultion systems, the Brookings Report, and secrets the Vatican has been keeping, etc.      
Short discourse on the spirit of antichrist and the Spirit of God; Very interesting interview with Geo. Nory & Timothy Good, a UFO investigator & author on strange creatures, UFO sightings, underground bases, and weather modification, etc.


The Strong Delusion continues: (James Lloyd/David Bay) Who does the delusion target? Are there dispensations or not?  When is the "Rapture"? Or is there one at all?; Israeli mole in the Pentagon?; article about war in Iran (relates to what Habakkuk prophesied); UPI article about possible attack on Iran; Remembering Larry Taylor's vision of the Christian persecution beginning after a hurricane devastates Jacksonville, Florida; October surprise in September?    

The Strong Delusion continues: Remember, the spirit of antichrist speaks of the world and the hears them; George Nory interview with Timothy  Good from BL219 continues: further discussion of UFO alien underground bases also in the ocean, aircraft and large ships vanishing with crews, and close encounters, etc.  


The Strong Delusion series continues - Reviewing the rapture; Focusing on 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2: " the arrival" and connecting the dots from Hollywood movies, Bill Cooper, Warner Von Braun warnings: Hopi Elder's prophecies are a forewarning related by Robert Ghost Wolf in an article "The Return of the Blue Star Kochina" at the end times and the star children; Is there a change in our DNA at rebirth? Hopi's also speak of a 7 year period, just as the Mayan's do.                 
Continued from side 1-Also short article by Dr. Steven Greer "D.D.T. Decoy, Distract and Trash"; Excerpt from Bill Cooper's radio program before his death / murder called "Conquest of Space" with subject matter pertaining to anti-gravity abilities and devices from scientific articles / reports as far back as 1917. What happened to that technology is very interesting. Includes transcript of speech by John Dewy and info on Wilbur Smith from Project Magnet.


The Strong Delusion series continues; Do you truly understand it? Will you be able to defend your position through Scriptures to the unbelievers? This final program puts it all together, from what the Bible says to how the "New Age" mix evolution with creation and come up with a whole new story. Sources include Josephus, Elizabeth Claire Prophet, Mary Summer Rain, Genesis Chapter 6, and 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2. Tape also includes a short but uplifting talk about salvation, rebirth, and being called to God's purpose.

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